Monday, July 29, 2019

Free Customer Acquisition Campaign Winner

I love giving back. I set out to choose a company worthy of my free customers acquisition campaign. This company is the winner: Tucker Pawn and Jewelry 3210 Norcross Tucker Road, Tucker Ga

They have a clean and organized business and more importantly they have AWESOME customer service. I have no problems sending customers.

- Before paying for expensive advertisements be ready to accept customers.
- Have someone ready to take phone calls and schedule appointments.
- Send customers to relevant page in website or they will leave (bounce).

What am I going to do for them? Send them customers!

I am running a 3 day introduction campaign and will show my proof of success at the end of those 3 days.

What I will do for them.
  1. Create Facebook presence with post and ad to build trust and curiiosity
  2. Create mock website to answer any question and further drive in customers
  3. Drive Customers
  4. Get them paid