Monday, March 6, 2017

How To Post Engaging Post On Your Facebook Page

CPR Digital Marketing's first post for "Motivating Mondays"

Are you wondering why people are attracted to some Facebook's page more than other? or better yet,  How to stay on the minds of your followers? There is a method to posting on Facebook or other social media platforms.

As I grow my new social media marketing business I will walk you through my set-up starting with my social media Facebook posts...

You want to always be sure to include in case of sharing your:
  •  logo
  • website URL
You want to create engagement with your post. Here's how...
When you entertain your visitors and keep them coming back to see what wonderful information or surprises you have for them next, you created a space in their minds that will subconsciously think of you when they need your services. You have become their trusted friend.

There are many reasons to post and if you are posting on a business page, you want to post with a purpose in mind.
  • Entice followers with news or special offers
  • Meaningful updates related to your industry
  • Fun to read or eye catching images
  • Invitations to events
  • Video sharing
If you have a special or important information you can use your "Pin Your Post" feature in Facebook to keep it on the top of your timeline for 7 days.

You will be fine when posting now that you know why and how to post engaging post on Facebook or your other social media channels. Be sure to share you post to your other social media channels. I will also be linking this  article to my twitter and Facebook page for more engagement and follows. Enjoy!

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